Your nervous system is highly sensitive and intelligent...often operating without your awareness

Let's face it, staying healthy in body and mind is almost impossible in our modern culture.
If you are overstimulated, over caffeinated or overworked… you are definitely not alone.
Our amazing bodies are constantly repairing, but sometimes it just can't keep up.
One of the root causes of ongoing inflammation in the body is a dysregulated nervous system. If you address the state of the nervous system, the body can shift from a chronic state of high alert to a more appropriate state of readiness. This is the basis of the mind-body connection. If the tension and inflammation are left unchecked, it can spiral into chronic issues like autoimmune disorders, digestive issues, and insomnia.
The study of the mind-body connection is called Psychoneuroimmunology. Understanding this connection explains why meditation helps cancer patients, hypnosis improves IBS symptoms and yoga reduces blood pressure.

Your nervous system runs through your entire body and your spine is the first modulator for all the information traveling to your brain. If you have spinal holding patterns, you won't have access to all your sensory signals.
While decreasing the “volume” of your sensations can be great in short-term situations, if these spinal patterns become chronic, you won't have access to your full range of emotions, creativity or innate healing processes. Holding patterns are associated with regional organ dysfunction as nerves are kept under tension. This is one source of chronic inflammation.

If you are like most humans in modern society, you have holding patterns blocking the free flow of energy and awareness in your body. As a result you probably are using willpower to make things happen.
Here is the truth, willpower runs out.
Even in this age of adaptogens, nootropics, and stimulants. If you are reaching for energy boosters, you know your body is already showing signs of reduced vitality. I experienced this firsthand, resisting the early signs of burnout, which later became chronic fatigue.
But truly, my body is my teacher, and my symptoms were the messages I needed to find the healing modality called Subtle Energy Mechanics. It helped me go from being nearly housebound to enjoying travel and yoga again in only 3 months.
Bringing awareness to the holding patterns in the spine invites a safe return to full access to your spinal movement and sensory information. This may sound simple, but it has profound implications. Clients receiving Subtle Energy Mechanics (SEM) have been known to experience improvements in their health, mindset, and emotions. Here are two testimonials from clients with less than 10 sessions.

Hi. I'm Shannon Haliko, a medical doctor with over 10 years of experience who realized that the traditional Sickcare system was insufficient for whole human health. To solve my physical symptoms, I found tools and techniques that support health transformation rather than symptom management. In 2021 I started my solo practice, Healthy with Haliko, helping patients in California with digestive issues and other blocks to wellness. Since then, I have searched for healing modalities to assist complex cases often exploring treatments first on myself.
I recently added to my practice, Subtle Energy Mechanics. This technique uses light non-therapeutic touch to identify and invite your awareness to spinal patterns preventing the flow of kundalini/source energy.
Personally, I experienced rapid improvement of chronic fatigue, allowing me to shift from being nearly housebound to traveling and enjoying yoga again. This was quite a shock for me after more than four years of minor improvements using traditional and alternative treatments. The philosophy of SEM fits perfectly into my beliefs of healing and personal sovereignty. In the end, we are connected to Source energy and heal ourselves. The tools and techniques I use in my practice are helpful to guide us back to this truth while supporting the natural healing process.
Right now, you can experience a 30-minute consultation at my office in San Juan Capistrano, CA. During the consultation, we will holistically review your health and determine if working together is in alignment. If it feels like a fit, we can immediately start our work together with your first session. Single sessions are currently priced at 150$. (Phone/zoom consultation available upon request. Sessions now available in office and on zoom)
During a typical session, we will identify and invite your awareness to your spinal patterns preventing the flow of nervous system information and kundalini/source energy using light, non-therapeutic touch. You will be asked to lie face down on a therapy table and may also need to lie on your back. As you relax your mind and body, you can drift into a dream-like state while your session continues.
Many things could happen during your session, so it is important to have an open and receptive mind. You may feel spontaneous wave-like movements of your spine and limbs, reduction or resolution of tension and pain, and spontaneous releases of emotion or laughter. Whatever happens in your session, the technique ensures you leave with a more balanced nervous system.
If you would like to see an example of this work, here is a demo of my teacher using advanced techniques. (https://youtu.be/3TjB7PBqDQE?si=OpflSIPJfVntwq-v)
This is for you if...
You are open to new experiences
Believe reality is more than you can see
Can lie on your stomach for up to 15 minutes on a firm chiropractic table
Can allow someone to support your energetics
You believe healing is always possible
This is not for you if…
You just want someone to fix or heal you
Only believe in the material world
Your family member/significant other is forcing you into this experience